Friday, January 25, 2019

Big Red Barn Homestead

Homesteading and LIfe in Texas

We started our homestead journey in 2001 amid dreams of really making a difference in our family and ourselves.  We bought all the standard animals, all be it probably too many at first, but it was not a chore, it was fun. I absolutely loved milking the goats and making everything humanly possible with the wonderful milk.  We began gardening organically in raised beds all the while working on the big red barn to call home.  I've learned so much, made so many mistakes and tried so many things to make my husband's and my life richer (no the money thing got slimmer) in all things homesteading to finally come to the realization I bit off more than I could physically keep up with.  So... what's going on now?  I've taken a step or two back and reassessing my priorities.  We are still trying to finish the barn. The kitchen is in transition the last few months, but oh my! how I'm loving it!  Come on with us as we move along, might be a bit slow for you, but it will move along all the same.  I for one cannot wait to see what will unfold.  Homesteading after all is in my core values.  Right where it should be!